法鼓傳燈禪一    Passing on the Lamp 1-day Retreat

+ Passing on the Lamp 1-day Retreat  法鼓傳燈禪一

2/1, Sat, 10 am-5pm, in-person at DDMMBA 普賢講堂
Led by Ven. Chang Zhai 常齋法師帶領

Our Gratitude for the Teachings of Chan Master Sheng Yen
In commemoration of Master Sheng Yen’s passing, please join us for a “Passing on the Lamp” in-person one-day retreat where we will pick up our beginners’ mind again in meditation, expressing our gratitude towards Dharma and our teacher, and lighting up the compassion and wisdom mind within our self-nature.


  • A vegetarian lunch will be served.
  • Prerequisite: must have taken the Beginner’s classes or already have an established meditation practice.
  • 報名者需有上過禪訓班,或已經有禪修經驗
